Apr 21, 2009

Weld Types & Edge Preparations

While designers need some basic knowledge of welding processes, equipment, materials, and techniques, their main interest is in how to transfer forces through welded joints most effectively and efficiently. Proper joint design is the key to good weld design.

The loads in a welded-steel design are transferred from one member to another through welds placed in weld joints. Both the type of joint and the type of weld are specified by the designer.

So its important for a designer to know what are the types and edge preparations are possible in each type of weld. Here they are...... Learn and post comments.......

Butt Joints - Edge Preparation & Weld TypesCorner Joints - Edge Preparation & Weld Types

Edge Joints - Edge Preparation & Weld Types


Lapp Joints - Edge Preparation & Weld Types



T Joints - Edge Preparation & Weld Types

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