Apr 28, 2011

Sensing Distance of Inductive Proximity Sensors for Various Metals


Once, I overlooked the variation of sensing distance of inductive proximity sensor for different metals and the machine failed to detect an aluminium object. Here the sensing distance of inductive proximity sensors was almost reduced to 60%.

To determine the sensing distance for materials other than mild steel, a correction factor needs to be applied. Target material has a big effect on sensing distance of inductive proximity sensors. In order to determine the actual sensing distance for the target material, Multiply the nominal sensing distance by the correction factor.

The correction factors listed below can be used as a general guideline.

Nominal Sensing Range x Correction Factor = Actual Sensing Range.

Correction Factors (Allen-Bradley)

Target Material Approximate Correction Factor
Mild Steel 1.0
Stainless Steel 0.85
Brass 0.50
Aluminum 0.45
Copper 0.40

Correction Factors (Keyence, Balluff, Omron)



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